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Saturday 5 June 2010

Short Stories Questions

Short Stories Essay Questions

• How do the writers portray the impact of education in two of the stories?

• Read the extract starting from “Always somewhat confused” (77) to “with Naraian and herself trapped in the middle of them” (79) from the Young Couple. How do the writers show the ways people change and their reasons for doing so, in this extract and one other story?

• How do the writers explore the idea of tradition and convention in two of the stories?

• Read the extract “The path along which” (101) to Light shadows darted rapidly over the marble surface.” (102) from the Winter Oak, explore the ways the writer establishes the pathos (mood) within this extract and in one other story.

• How do the writers of 'Games at Twilight' and 'The Young Couple' show us the conflict that certain cultures can cause between people?

• How do the writers explore family relationships in two of the stories?

• Read the last two pages of Leela’s Friend. How does the writer present injustice in this and one other story.

• How do the writers capture the impact of place on an individual in this (Young Couple) and in one other story?

• How do the writers portray the relationship between adults and children in two of the stories?

• How do the writers present the experience of learning in this (Leela’s friend) and one other story?

• How do the writers show the effects of poverty or wealth in two of the stories?

• How do the writers explore the feeling of isolation in two of the stories?

• Read the extract from Games at Twilight. How do the writers vividly portray childhood experiences in this extract and one other story?

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